The mouthpiece aims to protect the teeth, the bones of the jaw, the soft tissues of the oral cavity and the temporomandibular joint during the practice of sports at risk. The mouthguard should be worn every time you do physical activity, even during training sessions.

The smile is a powerful weapon that helps to feel better with others and with ourselves, but easy to endangered, especially when we risk to incurr in a trauma.

SKUDO, the innovative sports mouthguard, designed and built entirely in Italy by the DEXTRA GROUP network, helps to protect you: it absorbs and distributes the blows on a wider surface, reducing the intensity of the impact.

SKUDO, born to defend athletes who practice contact sports – martial arts, boxing, rugby, hockey – from potential traumas, has been developed to respond optimally to the most varied needs, from children to professionals.

SKUDO comes in three solutions but the production philosophy is unique: to offer relevant protection to your smile with customized solutions of technology and design.



For tomorrow’s champions.
It is designed to be a flexible model that meets the needs of growth,
ideal for young athletes aged 6 to 16 years.

Ensures excellent protection in the event of dental trauma. As a custom built it is also perfectly compatible with the presence of a fixed orthodontic appliance.




For every kind of sports.
Recommended for those who practice sports
competition. It adapts to the needs of 
most sports.

It ensures maximum protection from possible
dental damage caused by contact trauma,
 from fall and contributes to improve sports performance itself.


For professionals.

The overlap of the layers increases its
thickness making it the ideal solution
for professional sportsmen who do
engage in disciplines involving
physical contact or strong impacts.
A special protective layer
positioned in the central area of the
mouthguards ensures an extraordinary
resistance even to the most violent impacts.

Each SKUDO is unique because it is designed starting from your needs, as well as being completely customizable.

We remind you that individual mouth guards can also be used by patients with fixed orthodontic equipment.

To protect your smile, choose SKUDO. Ask your trusted dentist about the solution that suits you the best.



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